Very Ashley Woman Of The Week: Rhesa Weatherspoon

Very Ashley Woman Of The Week: Rhesa Weatherspoon

As the visionary founder of RAW Affects, Rhesa Weatherspoon has created a dynamic space where individuals can embark on a journey of self-discovery, empowerment, and rejuvenation.


The inception of RAW Affects [5727 Charles City Cir. Henrico, VA]  traces back to 2016 when Rhesa first conceptualized the idea, planting the seeds for what would blossom into a holistic haven for mind, body, and soul. However, it wasn't until July 9, 2018, that RAW Affects officially opened its doors, marking a momentous occasion in Rhesa's entrepreneurial journey. Over the past six years, RAW Affects has evolved into a sanctuary where individuals can access a diverse array of wellness services tailored to their unique needs and aspirations.


RAW Affects offers a comprehensive range of offerings designed to nurture and uplift every facet of one's being. From personalized training sessions and invigorating group fitness classes to rejuvenating massages and nourishing meal plans, RAW Affects provides a multifaceted approach to wellness that transcends conventional boundaries. Rhesa's holistic vision encompasses not only physical fitness but also mental and emotional well-being, incorporating elements such as yoga, meditation, and personalized coaching to foster holistic growth and transformation.


Rhesa's own journey into the world of fitness and wellness is a testament to the power of perseverance and passion. Initially embarking on her path as a corporate professional with a background in business and finance, Rhesa's life took a transformative turn when she discovered a newfound passion for fitness through her involvement with a women's running group. Inspired by the camaraderie and sense of community she found within the group, Rhesa embarked on a journey of self-discovery, ultimately pursuing formal training and certifications in personal training and sports science.


Armed with her expertise and fueled by her passion for empowering others, Rhesa transitioned from the corporate world to pursue her entrepreneurial dreams, establishing RAW Affects as a beacon of hope and inspiration for individuals seeking to reclaim their health and vitality. Through her dedication, Rhesa has not only transformed her own life but has also become a guiding light for countless others, empowering them to prioritize self-care, embrace their inner strength, and live life to the fullest.



As RAW Affects continues to flourish and expand its reach, Rhesa remains steadfast in her commitment to spreading a message of holistic wellness and self-empowerment. With every client she serves and every life she touches, Rhesa embodies the transformative power of embracing one's authenticity, pursuing one's passions, and living with purpose. 


To become a member of RAW Affects, please call RAW Affects at 804.822.1769. 

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